Paolo Moro

We know the Artist:
Born in Belluno in 1964, he began sculpting in 1993 as a self-taught person, then participating in his 1st Symposium in 1997, which will mark the beginning of his artistic career. Since then, there have been numerous participations in sculpture exhibitions, competitions and symposiums in Italy and abroad, as well as countless awards.
In 2003 he created several sculptures for the municipal administration of Trichiana; in addition to these, some public works were carried out in various Italian locations and in Spain. In 2009 he created a sculpture for the Veneto Region for the Rome office, in 2011 he was commissioned by the Veneto Region for another work in wood.
He works in his atelier where he realizes on commission sculptures of various sizes, as well as low / medium and high relief in various materials such as: clay, plaster, stone, bronze and wood. He organizes symposia, sculpture competitions and artistic workshops for children on the occasion of cultural events in the province. Since 2004 he regularly holds wood carving courses in collaboration with various administrations in the province.
The atelier is located in Via Bernard, n. 7 – Trichiana, Belluno.
Work on wood, snow and even blocks of chocolate.
He has taken part in symposia, competitions and reviews in Treviso, Venice, Sardinia, Turin, Florence, Padua, Trento, Belluno, receiving many awards.
In 2019 he participated in the first edition of the Symposium “Predaia Art and Nature” with his work “Dreaming of flying”.
Paolo partecipated at the first edition 2019 and at the edition 2021 of “Predaia Arte e Natura” Symposium, with his works “Sognando di volare” and “Ciclo Vitale”.
Proposal for the Predaia Symposium 2023:
The sculpture created by Paolo has the title “la forza creatrice del fuoco”.
The sculpture proposed by Paolo depicts stylized flames that represent fire with the internal parts burnt, while the external parts of the flames will be covered with shiny metal sheets inserted with nails; these parts want to represent Hephaestus; with these plates the place and the nature surrounding the sculpture will be mirrored, so as to recreate the garden of Pan.
Furthermore, even the people who will look at the sculpture will be able to mirror and integrate with it.