Tanja Röder

We know the artist:
She was born in 1975 in Ehrenberg / Rhön in Germany.
1996 – 1999 she attended the Staatl. Vocational school for wood sculptors in Bischofsheim / Rhön and graduated as a wood sculptor.
2001 – 2003 she attended the master school for wood sculptors in Munich and graduated as a master wood sculptor.
Since 1994 she has participated in numerous exhibitions (90) and international sculpture symposia (58) in 16 countries, including New Zealand, Canada, Russia, Argentina, Turkey, Syria, Cyprus and Finland.
1999 – 2016 she received ten awards – art prizes in Germany and abroad.
Since 2007 she has the RÖDER atelier-gallery in Pfaffenhofen – Ilm and is creating sculptures in wood, stone, steel and bronze.
Since 2011 she has a sculpture garden with a studio stage at RÖDER atelier-galerie in Pfaffenhofen – Ilm.
Proposal for Symposium of Predaia 2021:
The sculpture proposed by Tanja has the title “Spirit of nature – Dryad” (orig. “Naturgeist – Dryade”).
Nature is the mother of art. The perception and understanding of nature, which is perfect in function, proportion and beauty, forms the basis of her artistic work. The results are no naturalistic copies, but abstract forms reduced to the essentials.
The main theme is the representation of the human being, who is integrated in the natural space. Various emotions, actions and events are shown.
Dryads were tree spirits / nymphs in Greek mythology who were known and represented as beautiful female beings.
They were supernaturally durable and tightly tied to their tree.
If a dryad was separated from her tree for too long, or if the tree suffered, then the dryad also suffered.
As part of their trees, they died with the death of the tree too.
The project proposed by Tanja shows a dryad who defends and protects the nature, the forest and the trees.
She asks us to treat her living space with respect, because it is also indispensable and valuable for us humans.