Peter Ripka

We know the Artist:
Born in Mülheim an der Ruhr in 1954, he lives and works in Düsseldorf, NRW.
Trained as a typographer, he worked for years in graphic arts and advertising agencies. Since 1994 he is a freelance graphic designer.
Over the years she has participated with his works in many exhibitions and symposia.
In 2020 he participated in the second edition of the Symposium “Predaia Art and Nature” with his work “The scavenger” (orig. “Der Feger”).
The thrust of his artistic work arises from the need for graphic expression and representation. He is particularly interested in the human figure: which is both passion and challenge for him. The gestures, the situations, the faces and the moments motivate him and push him to try to capture them, sometimes quickly and spontaneously, other times attentive to details.
In addition to pencil and watercolor, wood and clay are his materials of choice, as they are well suited to sketches, portraits or reproductions of observations of daily life.
Realization for the 2021 Symposium of Predaia:
The sculpture created by Peter has the title “Preserving and living” (orig. “Bewahren und Erleben”).
The author wants to tackle the subject with “both hands”.
One hand closed, the other open.
Both gestures represent both the mystery and the rebirth of nature, embodying the drive and initiative!
Because nature doesn’t go it alone. Many hands are needed to recreate the so-called miracle of nature over and over again.
It takes a lot of effort to keep growing, flourishing and thriving. With all the capacities for self-preservation, the forces of nature are not unlimited.
It is important for us humans to support nature in her work. With the strength of our hands to do everything to protect and preserve nature.
Also to be able to discover all its secrets and experience its beauty in the future.