Umberto Rigotti e Tiziano Beber

Country of origin: ITALY
Umberto lives in: Pedersano – Villa Lagarina (TN – ITALY)
Tiziano lives in: Roncafort – Trento (TN – ITALY)
We know the Artists:
He was born in Trento in 1962 and lives in Pedersano-Villa Lagarina, Trento, where he works as an artist, dedicating himself in particular to painting and sculpture, and as an illustrator collaborating with advertising agencies and publishing houses, illustrating fairy tales, poetry books and cultural and campaign publications. advertising.
In addition to the “vein” of communication through images, the artist affirms his creativity and skills in the field of caricaturism, participating together with the Andromeda Art Studio, of which he is a partner, in the Trento Festival of Economics.
He has a hobby of comics: he invents and designs them, receiving awards in national competitions.
He is an artist who never stops researching and experimenting with new painting techniques with attention to detail, reality and the fantastic.
He has a dozen collective and personal exhibitions to his credit. With “Selvatica” he begins an artistic trend that brings him closer to the world of Land Art, participating: in the 2011 and 2012 edition of Arte and Malga, in the upper Val di Non, Cortina All’Adige 2017 “Inondazioni acqua” and BAS Bosco Arte Stenico, editions 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018.
He was born in Trento in 1962 and lives in Roncafort, Trento, where he works as an artist.
Always attracted to drawing and painting, he began taking watercolor courses, and later illustration courses. Over the years he has been able to experiment with different techniques and materials.
He began working as a childhood illustrator and as a freelance, collaborating with some publishing houses, including Edizioni Erickson. He collaborates with elementary schools and libraries by organizing creative workshops of pop up books and illustration.
Realization for the Symposium of Predaia 2020:
The sculpture created by Titian and Umberto has the title “Aviary”
Starting from the words of Baruch Spinoza, the installation in “Land Art” style is intended to be an unequivocal presence of man and of his acting in nature, an imperfect architect with the presumption of enclosing his and others’ living of him.
Up to imploding and freeing those who do not like constraints and dream of a freer, more beautiful and harmonious world.
The installation: a cube with a cylinder inside, represent an aviary full of birds that under their pressure manage to uncover the cage and free themselves in flight.