Daniela Schwarz

We know the Artist:
Born in Freiberg on 05.02.1990, after high school, he attended an internship at “VOGT Naturstein + Denkmalpflege” in Roitzschen and attended summer stone and wood sculpture workshops.
After a year of volunteering at “Denkmalpflege, Malerei und Restaurierung Anja Tomaschewski”, in Radebeul, during which he deepens the techniques of restoration, painting and conservation, between 2009 and 2012 he specializes in the field of sculpture at “VOGT Naturstein und Denkmalpflege ”, acquiring the qualification of stonemason and stone sculptor
He then follows further training in marble sculpture at the “Johannes Steinhäuser” professional stone processing school in Lasa (BZ) and further training as a sculptor and wood sculptor at the professional school for artistic craftsmanship in Ortisei.
He thus obtains the qualifications of wood carver and wood sculptor.
Since 2017 he has been working as a freelance sculptor and artist, participating in various exhibitions and symposiums.
Realization for the Symposium of Predaia 2020:
The sculpture created by Daniela has the title “Vital support” (orig. “Lebensstütze”).
Powerful yet sensitive, strengthening and debilitating at the same time, infinite beauty combined with destruction and decay.
The nature that surrounds us humans in every possible situation manifests itself in different facets, in relation to how we treat them.
It offers us the necessary means of subsistence, source of food, protection, living space and relaxation, but still too rarely do we appreciate this unique gift, over-exploited, ready to destroy this natural wonder piece by piece.
Everyone should treat her with respect, empathy and foresight.
A peaceful and caring coexistence instead of exploitation and destruction.
Nature can undoubtedly live without us humans, but vice versa it is not possible.
So we should acknowledge it, appreciate it and gratefully preserve it as “life support”.
The “Life Support” sculpture should make it clear that this is possible, so that nature helps us to develop and shape all our beauty and uniqueness, every living being belongs to her.