
The third edition of the Symposium of wood sculptures has also ended: “Predaia Arte e Natura”.

Although the weather was not the best and tested the tenacity and skills of the sculptors, seven splendid works of art were born from the huge larch logs provided to the artists.

In the dedicated section you can admire (and then be able to fully enjoy them on the way) the works created!

The organization would like to sincerely thank the seven artists, who have shown seriousness, professionalism and extreme skill:

  • Ayhan Özgür – Turkey
  • Chiara Gallo – Italy
  • Paolo Modenese – Italy
  • Paolo Moro – Italy
  • Peter Ripka – Germany
  • Tanja Röder – Germania
  • Tereza Holá – Czech Republic

We look forward to the positioning of the sculptures along the nature trail and we invite you to the appointment with the fourth edition of the Symposium, in 2022 !!